

维持可靠的电力供应,满足客户当前和未来的需求, the 南科罗拉多可靠性升级 will ensure reliable power — now and in the future — by upgrading our infrastructure via a transmission line stretching from Pueblo West to Cañon City and three new substations in Pueblo West, 彭罗斯和Cañon曼城.

The transmission line will enhance the integrity of the existing power grid to continue providing safe, reliable energy and empower economic development and prosperity for every community it passes through by significantly reducing the chance of service loss, improving overall reliability of the system and providing additional capacity for future growth.




We consistently evaluate our system for factors that could impact the reliability or safety of the electric service we deliver. 年龄和能力是两个核心因素. Continued growth and the need for additional infrastructure to serve communities like Pueblo West, 彭罗斯和Cañon曼城, is driving this project to ensure delivery of the reliable electric service that our region needs to thrive. 在过去几年里, Pueblo West alone set an all-time historical system peak load and experienced a 48 percent load growth, 这意味着我们的需求接近于电力供应能力. 在彭罗斯和Cañon城, 如果我们的传输线中断了, 这些社区的用户可能会完全失去电力.


We know from Southern Colorado customer surveys that Black Hills Energy customers care deeply about reliability. Our ultimate goal is to provide the most dependable energy efficiently and we make all business decisions with cost-efficiencies in mind. 可靠性升级交付了我们的使命,银河官网网址提供可靠的, 安全和清洁的银河官网是我们南科罗拉多州社区繁荣发展所需要的.



此升级将减少过载的风险, safeguard against total power losses now and create opportunities for upgrading current distribution lines in the future, 不会中断家庭和企业的电力供应.

+, reliable electric service is an important driver of growth and community prosperity for Southern Colorado. Black Hills is proud to provide the reliable energy that will be vital in powering and growing new businesses in the region and support and sustain efforts like the Cañon City downtown revitalization.


选择路线是一个复杂的过程,我们在当地进行了平衡, physical and technological constraints with the goal of delivering improved reliability and capacity each community. 在这个过程中, Black Hills Energy has explored a variety of potential routes and approaches suggested by customers, 包括把线路埋在地下.

We found that undergrounding the line could add up to almost $18 million to the cost of the project, 减少客户从可再生优势太阳能设施中节省的成本, 所以这个选择没有被采纳. 我们研究的其他路线要么会影响更多的土地所有者, 占用了更多的土地或者更贵, 所以我们才提出这条路线, 与调整,以适应客户的输入, 给普韦布洛县和弗里蒙特县的专员.

The transmission line will start at the existing West Substation and travel northwest through a Pueblo West Metro District designated utility corridor until it meets an existing natural gas pipeline easement. The transmission line then follows the pipeline easement before turning north and entering Fremont County, 然后去了卡森堡地产. The transmission line meets the Western Area Power Authority (WAPA) 230-kilovolt line on Fort Carson property and follows it briefly as the transmission line enters Penrose. The transmission line then "stair steps" north on voluntary landowner easements before rejoining and following the WAPA line for the remainder of the route. 沿着这些地役权和公用设施走廊走, 我们可以通过几种方式将我们的影响降到最低:

  • 第一个, we replaced existing poles to accommodate the new circuit in all of Pueblo West except for two small sections in the Wildhorse Creek utility corridor w在这里 new poles were needed. This means that 60 of the 80 poles needed in Pueblo West for the transmission line replaced an existing pole that’s in place today; this reduces the number of properties in Pueblo West that otherwise would experience some view obstruction.
  • Second, by using the Wildhorse Creek easement we did not create any new areas of land disturbance.

The 南科罗拉多可靠性升级 will deliver power from our existing West Substation in Pueblo, two new substations located at the intersection of 115th and K Streets in Penrose and west of the Hogback in Cañon City, 以及西普韦布洛工业园的变电站.



我们的首要任务始终是公共安全、员工安全和承包商的安全. We regularly patrol the line to maintain the easement and reduce risks of fire or other accidents. +, we proactively prepare our linemen by training them on fire safety and on our Black Hills Major Event and Incident Response plan, 以确保我们能够快速有效地作出反应.

布莱克山将按照当地所有的规定运行输电线路, 州和联邦的要求.


在整个过程中,我们认真倾听并回应了土地所有者的关切. Our right of way agents knocked on nearly every door along the route to speak directly with landowners. 根据我们听到的, 我们从12个邻居的后院移除了路线, by relocating a portion of the transmission line on federal land controlled by Fort Carson. 在另一个领域, we used a little more than six miles of wire to traverse an area only three miles in length to minimize the impact to landowners gracious enough to provide an easement. As promised, the final transmission line route was secured with 100 percent voluntary easements. 我们承认,自愿并不意味着每个人都同意这一路线. 它的意思是, however that those who host this line on their property are exercising their private property rights. We are grateful to the Fremont and Pueblo County residents who have worked diligently with us to find a path. 






Learn more about our proposed transmission upgrade and how it’ll benefit you and your community.

